Services For Professional Editing

Ensuring Your Story Shines

s seeking to elevate the quality of their work, enlisting the expertise of a skilled editor is paramount. The journey to publication can be fraught with uncertainties regarding language, style, and structural nuances, but with an editor's support, you can fine-tune your piece to meet the exacting standards of both publishers and readers.

Editing in Sequence

Recognizing that every writer is situated uniquely in their creative process, Now Novel offers a series of editing services. We recommend commencing with a manuscript assessment, often referred to as a manuscript evaluation or critique, before progressing to proofreading. If you're unsure about the specific type of editing your project requires, don't hesitate to reach out to us for guidance.

Manuscript Evaluation or Critique

A manuscript evaluation, critique, or assessment entails a comprehensive, constructive, and critical analysis of your document. Here's what you can expect from this process:

Following a thorough reading of your work, your editor will furnish you with a comprehensive report encompassing various aspects, including plot, characters, pacing, dialogue, structural coherence, and overall story development.

Your manuscript's structural elements will be meticulously assessed, and you'll receive guidance on how to enhance them.

Any significant narrative issues, such as plot weaknesses or inconsistencies, will be pinpointed and accompanied by proposed solutions.

The marketability of your novel, considering its intended readership and genre, will be evaluated.

Up to three direct questions you may have will be addressed comprehensively.

If further editing or clarification is necessary, your editor will provide guidance on the next steps.

Developmental Editing

Developmental editing is aimed at resolving "big picture" issues within your content. Here's what it encompasses:

Your editor will review either your entire manuscript or a specified portion, along with comments and changes made in line.

This editing process, also known as substantive editing or line editing, delves into the mechanics of your story, identifying problems and offering clear remedies.

It involves enhancing the flow of your narrative, addressing concerns related to consistency, character development, dialogues, and various stylistic and structural aspects.

Collaborative discussions with your editor will guide you on the structure and content of your work.

Developmental editing is a meticulous procedure tailored to assist you in producing your finest work.

Copy Editing

Copy editing is primarily concerned with refining language and style, focusing on the following:

Your copy editor will rectify grammatical errors and suggest improvements to enhance the fluency, clarity, and conciseness of your work.

Ensuring uniform and appropriate language usage throughout your manuscript.

Correcting grammar, spelling, and punctuation issues.

Identifying and addressing any unclear or awkward statements, alongside language and punctuation matters.

Noting any additional stylistic inconsistencies or errors.


The final step in preparing your work for digital or print publication, proofreading takes place after typesetting and includes the following:

Your proofreader will address grammatical errors and other issues, providing a comprehensive list of changes, complete with line and page numbers for each modification.

Typically, this is the last editing stage, conducted once the book is typesetted and ready for publication.

Proofreading is usually the most cost-effective per word, as it requires the least extensive work.

Your proofreader will scrutinize your manuscript for any lingering grammar, spelling, or formatting errors that may have eluded previous editing rounds.

To ensure a smooth proofreading process, manuscripts must first undergo a thorough review by a developmental or copy editor to tackle significant issues and inconsistencies.

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