The best way to handle stage fright

Conquering Stage Fright

At some point in life, we all find ourselves in a situation where we must address a crowd, be it a wedding speech, a memorial service tribute, or a workplace presentation. Regardless of the setting, public speaking can be a nerve-wracking experience, especially if you're not accustomed to the spotlight or you're naturally introverted. However, there's no need for fear or discomfort when facing an audience; it's merely your body's response to a specific situation.

I can vividly recall my own struggles with public speaking. Growing up, I was always apprehensive about speaking in front of others. It wasn't until high school, during a paper presentation, that I had a pivotal moment. Initially, it didn't seem like a big deal until I stood before my classmates and teachers. As I started, anxiety consumed me, and thoughts of what others would think raced through my mind. I stumbled through my presentation, leaving the judges prompting me to continue. That experience made me realize I needed to overcome my stage fright.

To combat my fear, I began practicing daily. Gradually, I became more comfortable speaking in front of my peers. On the day of the presentation, I focused solely on delivering my speech. As I took the stage, my heart raced, and my legs felt like they might give way. But to my surprise, the audience erupted in applause when I finished. It was a turning point in my journey toward conquering stage fright.

So, how can one effectively handle stage fright?

First and foremost, acknowledging the issue and being open to seeking help is crucial. Talking to a trusted person, such as a parent or an influential mentor, can be immensely helpful. Consider seeking guidance from English teachers, as they often deal with public presentations and can provide valuable insights into grammar and public speaking.

Voice classes are another option, with many free resources available online. These tutorials can address specific concerns and help build confidence. Practicing in front of supportive friends can also boost your comfort level.

When dealing with criticism, remember not to take it personally. Some audience members may attempt to unsettle you, but stay focused and maintain your composure. Make eye contact with your audience, conveying confidence and connection.

Find familiar faces in the crowd to put you at ease. Pretending someone special is watching and aiming to make them proud can be a powerful motivator. The five-second rule—counting from five to zero and visualizing a successful presentation before taking the stage—can trick your mind into feeling confident.

Lastly, don't be intimidated by others' performances. Be yourself, give it your all, and take deep breaths before stepping onto the stage. Remember that the only way to truly fail is by not trying. Embrace the challenge, and you'll find that conquering stage fright is indeed possible.


  1. This is a good way and complements what I have been doing to overcome nervousness when on stage, I usually also look for a face that I know and I assume that I am talking only to him, as this article explains in detail

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